Tuesday, July 24, 2012

UNDERCOVER EXPAT: Renegade Province Edition - MOS Burger

McDonalds has managed to accomplish in the Pacific Theatre (and globally for that matter) what Gengis Kahn, Alexander the Great and Hirohito all failed to achieve. Complete and Unequivocal  Domination.  And while KFC and Pizza Hut tail closely behind in runner-up and second runner-up positions in most asian territories, not so in Japan. In the land of the rising sun and amidst the sea of pounded, battered and deep fried chicken cutlet sandwiches (generally more popular than the traditional beef burger in asian markets), a "small" yet dedicated contender claims silver: MOS BURGER.  

 Founded in 1972, Mos Burger offers an errr unique take on a burger. While they offer traditional beef burgers on a bread bun (boring), they are probably best known for their Rice Burgers. They've basically taken a hashbrown, added shrimp and then sandwiched the fritter between two "slices" of toasted sticky rice. Kaki-Age sandwiched between two Yaki-Onigiri for those well versed in 和食。  

Its weird, crunchy yet soft and pretty tasty. The minimalist packaging is also actually quite easy on the eyes. One other curve ball is that the "set meal" came with what I assumed were either more hashbrown rounds, weird steak fries, sweet potato wedges, or taro discs. I was wrong on all accounts, as the golden oval discs were actually chicken nuggets. The same kind served in elementary school cafeterias. Your rice burger comes with a side of nostalgic affective memory.

*The next post WILL NOT be about food. Its actually going to be about Jurassic Park and Luxury Resorts. Together.