Saturday, April 14, 2012

UNDERCOVER EXPAT: 798, 419, 143... i love love love love you.

Okay, so like Liam Neeson's recent movies, Goldfish crackers and peanut butter, sometimes, things created for the masses just satisfy in the most gratifying way. No explanation needed.

This is how I feel about Beijing's 798 Arts District. No longer a a down and dirty, eclectic, scrappy enclave for up and coming artists, Its become more of a tourist attraction and dare I say "Trap". Yet, its managed to still retain its charm somehow. *Elle China agrees as they just thew a HUGE fashion show and party with mercedes benz last week.

While uber commercialized and teeming with tchotchke curio shops, I couldn't help but really really enjoy the outdoor public spaces.

*To not completely discredit the area entirely, there are still many galleries that curate wonderful exhibitions, UCCA probably being one of the largest and totally on par with MOCA.

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