Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The title of last friday's lesson in my textbook was: 春天到了! Appropriately translated into, Spring has arrived. While i'm coming to find that spring in Beijing equates to mad dust storms and a crazy pollen count, the number of blue sky days have been numerous and immensely enjoyable. After expressing that we wanted to spend more time outside, my friend's Chinese language partner told us to meet her at 8:30AM on Saturday morning for a surprise. I was thinking that's really almost too early for a surprise, but sure, i'm committed, especially if it involves being outside on a blue sky day. Please note that my friend's Chinese language partner is a lovely Chinese young lady from Hanzou who speaks nearly perfect Italian, goes by Carlotta, and doesn't speak much English. Awesome. Buongiorno! I go by Gabriel and my italian is non-existent.

Carlotta more than delivered on her promise of a surprise, because we arrived at a beautiful and rather large park, where there was already a long line formed to buy tickets for.... Sakura flower viewing!

Yes i understand that they are just cherry blossoms, but its so much deeper than that. Its actually quite luxurious because A) one needs cherry blossoms, lots and lots and lots of them. B) one needs to have the time to literally do nothing but wander and look at/appreciate the flowers. C) you bring a picnic and then EAT and do nothing but stare at the flowers. Thats the extent of your multi-tasking. BAM.

Look how BLUE the sky is!!!!

Looks a little bit like Central Park.....and note the girl with the insanely glossy hair blowing bubbles. It seemed that every vendor in the park sold cat ear head bands and bubbles. Bubbles everywhere all morning long, it was all very willy wonka-ish.


And then there was randomly this very communist looking statue thing in the middle of the park. Oh Mao.

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